Peripheral Venous Interventions and Ultrasound 2017

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Periferne venske intervencije in ultrazvok 2017

Teme in govorci:

Venska ocena
In hemodinamika

Sejo 1

Vrednotenje oteklega, bolečega uda

Venous Assessment Tools - Use of CEAP and VCSS in Clinical Practice

Ultrazvok in venska hemodinamika

Sejo 2

Venous Ultrasound Imaging and Functional Testing


Fiziološko testiranje

The Venous Duplex Ultrasound Examination: An Overview


In akreditacija

Sejo 3

Ultrasound Credentialing & Documentation Requirements

Can IAC - Vein Center Accreditation Help Standardize Quality of Vein Care?

venous Thromboembolism

Sejo 4

Best Strategies for the Prevention of Venous Thrombosis

Inferior Vena Cava Filters: Indications and Complications

Placement of Bedside Vena Cava Filter Using Transabdominal Ultrasound

Kronična venska insuficienca - Predoperativno vrednotenje

In upravljanje

Sejo 5

Predoperativna ocena bolnika s kronično vensko insuficienco

Vascular Lab Testing for Cardiac Surgery Patients

Ultrazvok karotidnega stenta

Kronična venska insuficienca - Predoperativno vrednotenje

Sejo 6

Varicose Veins: The Spectrum of Treatment Options

The Use of Ultrasound in Venous Thermal Ablation and Sclerotherapy

lntraoperative Sonography for Venous Ablation Procedures

Vloga intravaskularnega ultrazvočnega slikanja pri venskih posegih

Pooperativno Ocenjevanje

Sejo 7

Neinvazivno pooperativno spremljanje in vrednotenje po zdravljenju kronične venske insuficience

Management of VTE Events Following Venous Interventions

Arterijski ultrazvok arterijskih obvodnih presadkov in stentov

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